Publications & Select Bibliography Publications:
Graphic Design+, Japan
Graphis Annual (Switzerland)
Graphis Packaging (Switzerland)
Print Regional Annual (USA)
The Best of Shopping Bag Design (USA)
The Best of Retail Advertising Design (USA)
Publications: Select Bibliography
Patrick Redmond Note: This is a working draft of a partially annotated "select bibliography in process" with details being added as they are researched. If you have any further detailed reference information (to complete any of the missing items) or corrections, please contact Patrick Redmond at: or c/o Patrick Redmond Design, Attention: Bibliography, P.O. Box 40156, Saint Paul, MN 55104-8156. Thank you.
Books (primary source)
Note: Patrick Redmond is the author, co-author, editor, illustrator, or designer, of the following books, as indicated, or has provided research, content, or images, as specified:
Bagley, Marian-Ortolf, and Barbara Ann Caron. Color in Design and Applied Art: A Selective Annotative Bibliography compiled by Marian-Ortolf Bagley and Barbara Ann Caron. College of Design, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota, 2011. "This is an online book available at" [and see] Note: As a graduate student of Professor Marian-Ortolf Bagley at the University of Minnesota during the 1980s when he was completing his Master of Arts, Patrick Redmond is grateful to have been included in this project. He searched for, identified, reviewed, and researched many design-related books and is proud to have provided numerous bibliographic citations and annotations, including, for example: "464. Denton, Craig. Graphics for Visual Communication. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown, 1992. Index, bibl., glossary, B/W illus., color illus. ISBN 0-697-08540-6. This excellent and comprehensive text covers both “editorial communication” for newspaper and magazine production and “persuasive communication” for advertising and public relations. Introductory chapters place graphics within historical, environmental, and psychological contexts, the latter with reference to Gestalt perception principles. Next, consideration is given to design, typographic, color, and photographic principles. The rest is packed with background and practical information on application and desktop and traditional production methods and technology. A color chapter with many color plates briefly surveys the physical, physiological, environmental, cultural, technological, symbolic, and aesthetic contexts for color and summarizes color connotations. Other color topics include hue, value, and saturation, and conventional 12-hue circles demonstrate complementary, split complementary, triad, and tetrad relationships. A color contrast section reminiscent of Itten touches on afterimage, simultaneous contrast, light/dark contrast, warm/cold contrast, and color proportion. A discussion of color reproduction summarizes additive and subtractive color mixing. Intended as a general reference, the book contains helpful marginal notes, concluding summaries and lists of six or more points to remember for each chapter." --Patrick Redmond. Note: Patrick Redmond recommended this book for inclusion. He had "discovered" and acquired the book and, after approval, had used it as one of the required textbooks in various introductory courses he had taught at the University of Minnesota. Since Patrick Redmond is a dedicated, practicing professional graphic designer, over the years he had acquired numerous design-related books. Among other books he recommended and annotated for this project, some were from his own personal collection, including several that were out-of-print and no longer available and others that were highly specialized in the field. -pr
Compas/Saint Peter Claver Catholic School. To Think That This Happened Around A Street Named Rondo; A Compas/Saint Peter Claver Catholic School Publication of Poetry, Prose, and Pictures by Students of the Summit-University Community, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Saint Paul: Saint Peter Claver Catholic School and Compas, 1988. [Note: Patrick Redmond directed the student art projects used as illustrations in the book. He designed the book. Alexs Pate directed the writing.]
Fundaberk, Emma L. and Mary D. Foremen. Visual Arts in the United States. Luverne, Alabama: Fundaburk, 1976, p. 237-243.
Larkin, Eugene. Design, the search for unity: two and three dimensional design, drawing and color. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown Publishers,* 1988. Design: the Search For Unity is a basic visual composition and design text. Book “designer: Mark Elliott Christianson” [Ibid., as noted on copyright page]; “cover calligraphy: by Terry Webb” [Ibid., as noted on copyright page]; “cover image: by Dawn Wilsey 1985” [Ibid., as noted on copyright page]; “Patrick Redmond” cited in “Acknowledgments”: “The grouping diagrams and illustrations of depth perception cues are by graduate student Patrick Redmond.” [Ibid., p. xv] [Patrick Redmond 05.01.2013 note: These relatively low-resolution images (coarsely pixelated by today’s standards) were created with a pioneering “standalone” computer graphics system, the “Wasatch 400 Computer Paint System” ( and, considered “state of the art” at the time, during/circa 1984. Patrick Redmond demonstrated this system at the 1984 SIGGRAPH ( Convention “SIGGRAPH ‘84”, July 23-27, 1984, in Minneapolis, and Patrick Redmond and Deborah Bart demonstrated the system at the 1984 ACM Convention in Anaheim, California (see]; [05.01.2013 note: Patrick Redmond created the computer graphic images using the Wasatch 400 computer paint system, circa 1984 [P.R. to confirm dates of images)… Ibid. : image p. 4; Figs. 1.1-1.4, p. 7; Figs. 1.5-1.7, p. 8; Figs. 1.8-1.10, p. 9; Figs. 1.12 & 1.13, p. 11; Figs. 2.15 & 2.16, p. 25; Figs. 2.23 & 2.24, p.29; Figs. 2.30 & 2.31, p. 33; Fig. 9.1, p 166; Fig. 9.2, p. 167; Fig. 9.3, p. 168; Fig. 9.4, p. 169; Fig. 9.5, p. 170; Fig. 9.6, p. 171; and Patrick Redmond, not using the Wasatch 400, created the original pencil drawing, caption “Patrick Redmond. 1982. Pencil drawing,” Fig. 4.2, p. 52, demonstrating “Charting Linear Continuations” using “the tracing paper technique” (p. 53)… Patrick Redmond’s pencil drawing demonstrates “charted linear continuations” in Fig 4.1, p. 52, “P. Brueghel (Bauerntanz), The Peasant Dance, 44 7/8” x 64 ½”, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.” Also of related note: Patrick Redmond had seen the original Brueghel painting The Peasant Dance at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, when he visited Vienna, Austria, in 1973. Patrick Redmond is also cited “Redmond, Patrick, 52” in the Index, p. 287. Re: Wasatch 400, see Bart, Deborah L. and Singher, Mary L. "From the Drawing Board to the Keyboard: The evolution of computer graphics is changing approaches to and attitudes about the graphic design business," Minnesota Business Journal, Minneapolis, Vol. 10, No. 1, January 1986, p. 44, 46, 48, 50. [Note: Patrick Redmond quoted on p. 48, 50.]; the Wasatch 400 computer paint system is shown in photographs in this article.
Niemer, Diane. Wholly, Holey, Holy: A Time For Creating, illustrated by Patrick Redmond and Tim Miske, designed by Patrick Redmond, and The Adventures of the Great Grow Good, designed and illustrated by Patrick Redmond, a two-in-one book, part of A Time for Living Religious Experience Program for children. New York: Herder and Herder (later known as Seabury Press), 1969. [Note: This was the first commercially published book Patrick Redmond designed and illustrated.] Redmond, Patrick. "I Thought A Loft Was For Hay.", Accounts of My Experiences as an Artist-In-Residence in the small, rural community of Eagle Bend, Minnesota. Eagle Bend, Minnesota: Patrick Redmond & the Minnesota State Arts Board [Minnesota State Arts Council], through a special Minnesota State Arts Council Chairman's grant, through a special grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, 1973. Acknowledgment: As indicated on the last page of this book, the title "I Thought A Loft Was For Hay" (not the subtitle) was suggested to P.R. by B.R.
Redmond, Patrick. Selected Poems: Patrick Redmond. Saint Paul, Minnesota: Patrick Michael Redmond, 1994. (Chapbook)
Redmond, Patrick. Self Portrait: Eagle Bend, A Book By And About A Rural Community. Eagle Bend, Minnesota: Eagle Bend Public School in cooperation with the Minnesota State Arts Board, 1972.
Books (secondary source)
Note: Patrick Redmond, or work by him, is cited or included in the following books:
America the Beautiful Fund. Old Glory; A Pictorial Report on the Grass Roots History Movement and the First Hometown History Primer. New York: Warner Books, Inc., 1973, p. 80.
Bell, Patricia J. The Prepublishing Handbook: What you should know before you publish your first book. Eden Prairie, Minnesota: Cat's-paw Press, 1992, p. 53.
Burnett, Whit. Discovery. The best from recent Scholastic Magazines Writing and Art Awards. New York: Scholastic Book Services, 1967, p. 128-129. (See
Duncan, Alastair. Modernism. Modernist Design 1880-1940, The Norwest Collection, Norwest Corporation, Minneapolis. Introduction by David Ryan, Director, Arts Program, Curator of Collections, Norwest Corporation. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Norwest Corporation [& Antique Collector's Club], 1998. Note: 1988 photograph of Patrick Redmond, creative art director, Art & Design Group, Norwest Corporate Graphics, Norwest Corporation 1988-89, viewing "Pitcher with extended lid handle", 1901 by Archibald Knox (1864-1933) from the Norwest Modernism Collection, installed in vitrine at Norwest Center, Minneapolis, 1988; photograph by Paul Shambroom, p.12 upper left photo. Also note: Patrick was principal creative art director/designer for brochure "Modernism at Norwest" 1989-1990, pictured lower left, p. 22.
Herdeg, Walter. Graphis Packaging 4: An International Survey of Package Design. Zurich: Graphis Press, Publication No. 174, 1984, p. 50.
Moses, George. Minnesota in Focus. Photographs by the Minneapolis Star and Tribune. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1974, p. 155. [Note: includes photo (by Richard Olsenius) of Patrick Redmond as artist-in-residence in Eagle Bend, Minnesota.]
Pitner, Kolean, and Bruce N. Wright. Afterword by Andrew Blauvelt. Peter Seitz: Designing a Life. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Minneapolis College of Art and Design, 2007. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in book.
Radice, Judi, and Comerford, Jackie. The Best of Shopping Bag Design. Glen Cove, New York: PBC International, 1987, p. 183.
Yew, Wei, ed. Museum & Art Gallery Graphics. Edmonton, Alberta: Quon Editions, 1993, p. 131. [Note: Included poster for Goldstein Gallery, University of Minnesota, was created by Patrick Redmond in collaboration with Eugene Larkin for his exhibition: "Eugene Larkin: Planning & Chance".]
Annuals & exhibition catalogs (partial list)
Note: Work by Patrick Redmond is included in the following annuals or exhibition catalogs:
Advertising Federation of Minnesota. The Passive and the Aggressive: The Show 2012. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Advertising Federation of Minnesota, November, 2012, item B, p. 63. Note: Patrick Redmond, Patrick Redmond Design, received a Merit Award in the "Self Promotion: Poster" category in the Advertising Federation of Minnesota's "The Show" 2012, November 9, 2012. For a list of winners, see A color image of his Merit Award-winning work appears in this catalog, ibid., item B, p. 63. Redmond is also listed in index, p. 192, 193. For further information, contact AdFed. The Advertising Federation of Minnesota is a member club of the American Advertising Federation (
Barron, Don, ed., Creativity 10, A Photographic Review. New York: Art Direction Book Company, 1981, Fig. 492.
Barron, Don, ed., Creativity 9, A Photographic Review of Creativity '79. New York: Art Direction Book Company, 1980, Fig. 573.
GDUSA [Graphic Design: USA] 2016 American Graphic Design Awards. New York, New York: GDUSA, 2017. See
Herdeg, Walter, ed., Graphis Annual 81/82, The International Annual of Advertising and Editorial Graphics. Zurich: Walter Herdeg, The Graphis Press, 1981, Fig 418, p. 161.
Herdeg, Walter, ed., Graphis Annual 75/76, The International Annual of Advertising and Editorial Graphics. Zurich: Walter Herdeg, The Graphis Press, 1975, Fig. 609, p. 198.
Kaye, Gordon, ed. 2016 American Graphic Design Awards, GD USA (Graphic Design: USA), New York: GDUSA, 2016 (digital, online version). See
Solomon, Miriam L., ed.. 58th Annual of Advertising, Editorial and Television Art and Design. New York: ADC Publications, Inc., (A subsidiary corporation of The Art Directors Club, Inc.), 1979, Fig. 503.
Venezia, Peter, Project Editor. The Best of Retail Advertising Design. Glen Cove, New York: The National Retail Merchants Association and the Editors of PBC International, Inc., 1988, p. 250 (Award of Merit, Public Service Ads category for Dayton's "Stars & Stripes" newspaper ad; note: ad designed and illustrated by Patrick Redmond with art direction by Dayton's).
Periodicals: magazines, journals, newspapers, newsletters, brochures, conference programs, etc. (primary source)
Note: Patrick Redmond is the author, co-author, and/or editor of the following articles or items, as indicated:
Redmond, Patrick. "AEM Members can participate in NAEA "COLLABORATE" forum online community. One member's detailed experience." AEM Art Exchange, An Art Educators of Minnesota Publication, Spring 2020, p. 21-22.
Redmond. Patrick. "AGI: Graphic Design Since 1950" [Alliance Graphique Internationale book review/recommendation], St. Paul Pioneer Press "Executive Read" column, Sunday, April 13, 2008, Vol. 159, No. 352, Business, Section D, p. 3D [Note: "Executive Read" Column Editor: Katy Hubbard, Pioneer Press].
Redmond, Patrick. "An Inside Look at the Graphic Work in Norwest's 'Modernism' Corporate Art Collection," AIGA/ Minnesota Issues, Minnesota Chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts, Minneapolis, March 1989, cover, p. 2.
Redmond, Patrick. "Art in Small Towns," Corporate: For Employees and Associates of Gamble-Skogmo, Inc., Minneapolis, Vol. 49, No. 1, January-February 1977, p. 14-17.
Redmond, Patrick. "Becoming Visible: A Designer's Experience with Image Development," Real Estate Today, Chicago, Vol. 14, No. 7, July 1981, p. 38-40.
Redmond, Patrick. "Color is Meaning and Significance," ["25 top designers and experts focus on color trends..." in this "Special Focus: Color & Graphic Design" Special Report feature], Graphic Design: USA, New York, Vol. 27, No. 6, June 1992, p. 48 (includes photo of author). [Note: Article by Patrick Redmond included in this magazine-prepared editorial section.]
Redmond, Patrick. "Comcept," Graphic Design: USA, New York, Vol. 19, No. 6, June 1984, p. 4.
Redmond, Patrick Michael, M.A. "Comment" section [addenda/notes] via Dwyer, Kelly O'Hara. Editor, Minnesota Alumni magazine, posted related note by Patrick Michael Redmond, M.A., re: the Elizabeth Foy Larsen feature article "Unleash Your Creativity. [University of Minnesota] Alumni and faculty offer tips to help you live a more imaginative, fulfilled life," Minnesota Alumni, Spring 2020, Vol. 119, No. 3. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Alumni Association. (2020). University of Minnesota Alumni Association, at, Tuesday morning, May 12, 2020, [as Patrick Redmond's addenda to article] in comments section. See "U of M alumnus Patrick Redmond shared this note: I led an initiative on creativity at the U of M in past years beginning in 1985, teaching the pioneering term-length course "Design Process: Creativity.” Each of us in art and design education leaves (or will leave) a legacy or legacies of one kind or another. At almost 70, with several decades of experience in the arts, design and related education and practice, one facet of my legacy is having had the privilege and the opportunity of identifying the need for and teaching a creativity-focused — in some ways what now might be called a “design thinking” — course. Playing this role championing creativity — with the support of and collaboration with my colleagues and professors — was one of my key contributions to the evolution of college and university-level design education. While I continue my ongoing work as a graphic designer, artist, author, publisher and entrepreneur, I retired from the teaching facet of my multifaceted career in 2012. I continue to be an enthusiastic advocate for creativity at all levels of education. – Patrick Michael Redmond (B.S. '73, M.A. '90 [University of Minnesota])," [Note: Patrick Redmond's submitted comment was based on his article "'Design Process: Creativity,' Revisited" included in the Fall 2019 issue of Art Exchange, an Art Educators of Minnesota publication. See and scroll to pages 20-21.]
Redmond, Patrick. "Creative and Mental Growth: A Commentary on Relationships between an Artist In Residence and Students in a Rural Community," UWW [University Without Walls] student presentation "Development of a Learning Contract," October 29, 1973, Program Agenda, Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, University Without Walls/UNESCO Conference, University of Vienna, Austria, October 29-30, 1973 (Vienna, Austria: Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, University Without Walls/UNESCO Conference, University of Vienna, 1973), p. 1. Paper presented at Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, University Without Walls/UNESCO Conference, University of Vienna, Austria, October 29-30, 1973. Retrieved January 19, 2011, and emailed to Patrick Redmond as pdf, with assistance from Regis University archivist Elizabeth Cook, from Elinor Miller Greenberg Papers in archives at Dayton Memorial Library, Regis University, Denver, Colorado. Redmond, Patrick. "Design Career Begins," in "Time sharing. Readers remember 1968." Kathy Berdan, Editor, A&E Team Leader. St. Paul Pioneer Press, Vol. 163, No. 170, October 14, 2011, p. 6E. Note: Patrick Redmond comment and c. 1968 photo included in section related to opening of exhibition "1968. A Year that Changed America" at the Minnesota History Center.
Redmond, Patrick M., M.A. [Patrick M. Redmond, M.A.]. "'Design Process: Creativity' Revisited," Art Exhange, An Art Educators of Minnesota Publication, Fall 2019, p. 20-21. See
Redmond, Patrick. "Designing the GR Hockey Logo," Grand Rapids Herald Review, Grand Rapids, Minnesota, March 19, 2017, Vol. 122, No. 23, p. 5A, (print version), and, "Designing the 'GR' hockey logo was a career highlight," Letter to the Editor, "Opinion" section, Grand Rapids Herald-Review, March 17, 2017, Grand Rapids, Minnesota, online, digital version (
Redmond, Patrick. "Forecast '80," Graphics USA, New York, January 1980, p. 12. Redmond, Patrick. Re: Independent Master Class, in "People" section, GD: USA (Graphic Design: USA), "The News Magazine for Creative Professionals," April 2012, Vol. 48, No. 3, p. 35; also online at Note re: GD USA: Gordon Kaye, Editor; Jessica Taraski, Associate Editor; Charlotte Kaye, Assistant Enews Editor; Sasha Kaye, Assistant News Editor.
Redmond, Patrick. "Just what/who is a creative?," Format: The Advertising Magazine for Minnesota and the Upper Midwest, Minneapolis, August 1985, p. 18-19.
Redmond, Patrick. "Important Information Regarding The Graphic Design Field," AEM Art Exchange, An Art Educators of Minnesota Publication, Winter 2019, p. 8.
Redmond, Patrick. "Learning about becoming a designer," (guest column), Articulars, Saint Paul, The Minnesota School & Resource Center for the Arts, June 1989, Vol. 4, No. 5, p. 2.
Redmond, Patrick, in publisher Gordon Kaye's "Letter from the Publisher," GD USA (Graphic Design: USA), New York, April 2017 [March/April 2017], Vol. 54, No. 2, p. 4 (print edition). [Note: Patrick Redmond comments included (Patrick Redmond is quoted re: the late Milt Kaye and GD USA's recognition of design and designers from the 'heartland' including the Upper Midwest) in "Not Everything Is Resolved" section of Gordon Kaye's "Letter from the Publisher".
Redmond, Patrick. "Letter to the Editor," in "Letters," Dwell, April 2013, Vol. 13, No. 5, p. 22. Note: Patrick Redmond's letter, edited by the editor, makes reference to Balthazar Korab's photographs of the Eero Saarinen-designed Milwaukee County War Memorial and Milwaukee Art Center, later known as the Milwaukee Art Museum. Patrick Redmond attended Children's Art Program classes in the Milwaukee Art Center.
Redmond, Patrick M., M.A. "Letter to the Editor," "March/April 2013," GD USA [Graphic Design: USA], March/April 2013, Vol. 49, No. 2, p. 8. Note: Patrick Redmond's letter suggests an expansion of the New York-based, national trade magazine's list of influential graphic designers, art directors, and/or design educators over the past 50 years" to include at least 1,000 names.
Redmond, Patrick. "Letter to the Editor," MGDA Journal, Minnesota Graphic Designers Association (later known as "American Institute of Graphic Arts [AIGA] Minnesota Chapter"), Minneapolis, Summer 1985, p. 3.
Redmond, Patrick Michael. "Already legendary," in "Opinions," "Letter to the Editor," Saint Paul Pioneer Press, September 8, 2013, Vol. 165, No. 134, p. 11B. Re: Seamus Heaney.
Redmond, Patrick Michael. "Letter to the Editor," in "Readers Write," StarTribune Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Minnesota, February 13, 2020, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 315, p. A10. Note: This letter was written and submitted in response to Professor Thomas Fisher's "Opinion Page" February 12, 2020, StarTribune commentary related to Classical architecture.
Redmond, Patrick. "Letter to the Journal," MGDA Journal, Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, Minneapolis, Winter 1986, p. 5.
Redmond, Patrick. "Local Talent," [in "Letters" section], Corporate Report. The Magazine of Business and Finance in the Upper Midwest. Dorn Communications, Inc., Edina, Minnesota, November 1979, Vol. 10, No. 11, p. 12.
Redmond, Patrick. MCAD Alumni Profile: Patrick Redmond. Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 2018. See
Redmond, Patrick, ed. MGDA News, The Newsletter for the Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, Minneapolis. April 1979. Cited: "MGDA Elects New Officers," p. 1; cited, various items, p. 3. (documentation re: Patrick Redmond elected president of MGDA, later known as AIGA Minnesota).
Redmond, Patrick, auth. and ed. Minnesota Graphic Designers Association Newsletter, Minneapolis. February 1980. [Note: Majority of issue consists of "A letter from the president" summarizing 1979 in respect to MGDA during Patrick Redmond's term as the organization's third president. MGDA became the AIGA/Minnesota the American Institute of Graphic Arts, Minnesota Chapter in 1987.]
Redmond, Patrick, ed. Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, The Newsletter for the Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, Minneapolis. November 1979; cited: "Moorhead State University Design Students Visit Twin Cities," p. 1.
Redmond, Patrick. "Original MODERNISM wordmark and inaugural poster to be included in 'Looking Back, Looking Forward [Imagine]: 100 Years of Design Graduate Education' exhibition University of Minnesota," AEM Art Exchange, An Art Educators of Minnesota Publication, Fall 2018, p. 11. Kevan Knitzberg, editor. [ ] [For information about the exhibition, see ]
Redmond, Patrick. "Re: AIGA Minnesota Design Camp® 40th Anniversary, An Early Past President's Perspective," by Patrick M. Redmond, M.A., Patrick Redmond Design (, February 25, 2020 version of a "work-in-progress" memoir/essay preliminary manuscript provided to fellow members of the AIGA Minnesota Design Camp® 40th Anniversary Celebration Advisory Committee for preliminary review for consideration for potential publication in conjunction with 2020 AIGA Minnesota Design Camp® 40th Anniversary Celebration.
Redmond, Patrick. "Retrospective Perspective," AIGA/MN Issues, The Official News Paper [sic] of AIGA/MN, The American Institute of Graphic Arts, Minnesota Chapter, Minneapolis, November 1999, p. 11.
Redmond, Patrick. "Redmond: '97 presents more opportunity for design," Graphic Design: USA, [New York], Vol. 33, No. 1, January 1997, p. 82 [Note: This brief commentary by Patrick Redmond is included in "Part III of this Special Quarterly Report," "Business Outlook: Design In The Center," section in which the magazine interviews "successful creative professionals from design firms... on the outlook of the [design] business today," part of the publication's cover feature "Special [33rd] Anniversary Report: Our Past. Our Present. Our Future." "Patrick Redmond, M.A." also included in list "Participants in this section," p. 67; cited in list of "Forecasters in Past Anniversaries," p. 92.]
Redmond, Patrick. Reference notes re: history of design, graphic design, design business, design education, artists-in-residence, and art in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Select annotated bibliography re: Patrick Redmond, M.A. v.122710. Saint Paul, Minnesota: Patrick Redmond, December 2010. (brochure)
Redmond, Patrick. "Selecting a graphic design curriculum that is right for you," MGDA Designers Offer Their Advice brochure, (Edited by Phil Swensen), Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, Minneapolis, 1985, p.16-17. (photos of author, outside back cover is 1968 Pius XI High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, yearbook photo; p. 16, Fall 1985 photo by Paul Shambroom. Includes selected bibliography compiled by author, p. 17).
Redmond, Patrick. “The Look of the Book: Designing Book Covers,” 1992 Split Rock Arts Program catalog [University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota], College of Continuing and Professional Studies (formerly College of Continuing Education), University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, Minnesota, p. 2, 10-11. Note: Patrick Redmond listed as offering “The Look of the Book: Designing Book Covers” July 5-11 session (p. 2), and, the course description is provided with a black and white photo of Patrick Redmond (photo by Tim Francisco), a quote by Patrick Redmond, and a very brief session-related, edited career biographic summary (p. 10-11).
Redmond, Patrick. "The Perennial Paisley: Notes on Peg DeLamater's Lecture 'The Paisley: A Study in Design Evolution and Transformations'," MGDA Journal, Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Fall 1986, p. 3.
Redmond, Patrick. "Answers", in "Patrick Redmond, M.A." section of portfolio reviewers "Q & A" interview section, Portfolio One-on-One® event booklet, 2015 AIGA Minnesota Portfolio 1-on-1®, April 3rd and 4th, 2015, at Mill City Nights, Minneapolis, Minnesota, p. 123-125. Note: Patrick Redmond provided answers to several event-related questions for his profile as a portfolio reviewer.
Redmond, Patrick. "Answers", in "Patrick Redmond, M.A." section of portfolio reviewers "Q & A" interview section, AIGA MN. 2016 AIGA Minnesota Portfolio One-on-One® event booklet, Portfolio 1-on-1®, April 1st and 2nd, 2016, at Mill City Nights, Minneapolis, Minnesota, [Patrick Redmond "Answers" in "Q&A"] p. 116-118. Note: Patrick Redmond provided answers to several event-related questions for his profile as a portfolio reviewer.
Redmond, Patrick. "Answers", in "Patrick Redmond, M.A." section of portfolio reviewers "Q & A" interview section, "Curate" Portfolio One-on-One® event booklet, 2017 AIGA Minnesota Portfolio 1-on-1®, April 7th & 8th, 2017, at Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, [Patrick Redmond "Answers" in "Q&A"] p. 77-78. Note: Patrick Redmond provided answers to several event-related questions for his profile as a portfolio reviewer.
Redmond, Patrick. Quoted in: Nelson, Rick. “A picture of perfection (and puns),” “Playful poster covers were a Taste signature feature for nearly two decades,” in feature two-page spread “Taste 50. The Art of Covers,” in special section “50 Years [of] Taste, 1969-2019,” StarTribune, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Minnesota, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 182, Section T, p. T6-T7. Note: Patrick Redmond quoted on p. T6: “”They [the “Taste” poster covers] were revolutionary,” said Patrick Redmond, one of a small group of Twin Cities artists enlisted into an ad hoc Taste design guild. “The posters showed a great commitment from the Star [Minneapolis Star newspaper, now known as StarTribune] to do creative and innovative images for the paper. It was an exhilarating experience.”” [Note: Copyright as applicable]... And quoted online at “They were revolutionary,” said Patrick Redmond, one of a small group of Twin Cities artists enlisted into an ad hoc Taste design guild. “The posters showed a great commitment from the Star to do creative and innovative images for the paper. It was an exhilarating experience.” [and scroll to Patrick Redmond “Taste/dining out” poster cover — Minneapolis Star, Wednesday, October 26, 1977, Vol. 99, No. 277, p. 1C — at same webpage] Rick Nelson, StarTribune, October 3, 2019, 8:35 a.m. [Note: Copyright as applicable.]
Redmond, Patrick Michael. "Technology promises fusion of work and play," Graphic Design: USA, [New York], Vol. 31, No. 1, January 1995, p. 85 (includes photo of author by Tim Francisco). [Note: Article by Patrick Redmond included in this magazine-prepared editorial section "Is 'graphic design' on verge of a golden age? 50 design leaders forecast 1995," cover, p. 37-89, by Gordon Kaye. Also note: Cover sidebar states "Words of wisdom from 50 of America's most interesting graphic communicators;" "Patrick Redmond" included on cover in list of 50 which also includes Milton Glaser, Tim Girvin, Massimo Vignelli, and Henry Wolf, to name a few others.]
Redmond, Patrick. "The Design Mentor," AIGA/MN Issues, The Official News Paper [sic] of AIGA/MN, The American Institute of Graphic Arts, Minnesota Chapter, Minneapolis, August 1999, p. 2, 6.
Redmond, Patrick. "The Source," in "Opinions," "Letter to the Editor," Saint Paul Pioneer Press, August 25, 2014, Vol. 166, No. 120, p. 9A, and online at, re: fountain and Alonzo Hauser sculpture in Rice Park, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Redmond, Patrick. "25+ Top Professionals Forecast Design & Production Trends," [a.k.a. "Graphic Design: USA 25th Anniversary Forecast: Design & Production Professionals"], Graphic Design: USA, [New York], Vol. 24, No. 1, January 1989, p. 33 (includes photo of author). [Note: Article by Patrick Redmond included in this magazine-prepared editorial section.]
Redmond, Patrick. "Virtuoso Vignelli," AIGA/Minnesota Issues, Minnesota Chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts, Minneapolis, May 1993, back cover.
Redmond, Patrick. "What Color is an Idea?," Format: The Advertising Magazine for Minnesota and the Upper Midwest, Minneapolis, December 1986, p. 17-18.
Redmond, Patrick. "When Your Career Becomes Your Hobby...," AIGA/MN Issues, The Official News Paper [sic] of AIGA/MN, The American Institute of Graphic Arts, Minnesota Chapter, Minneapolis, January 2000, p. 2.
Periodicals: magazines, journals, newspapers, newsletters, conference programs, etc. (secondary source)
Note: Patrick Redmond is either the subject, cited, or quoted in the following articles and items:
AIGA Minnesota. 2015 AIGA Minnesota Portfolio One-on-One® event booklet, Portfolio 1-on-1®, April 3rd and 4th, 2015, at Mill City Nights, Minneapolis, Minnesota, [Patrick Redmond "Answers" in "Q&A"] p. 123-125.
AIGA MN. 2016 AIGA Minnesota Portfolio One-on-One® event booklet, Portfolio 1-on-1®, April 1st and 2nd, 2016, at Mill City Nights, Minneapolis, Minnesota, [Patrick Redmond "Answers" in "Q&A"] p. 116-118.
AIGA MN. "Curate" 2017 AIGA Minnesota Portfolio One-on-One® event booklet, Portfolio 1-on-1®, April 7th and 8th, 2017, at Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, p. 77-78.
Ancona, Paula and Charles and Elise Smith-Dewey. "The Secrets of Good Cover Design," Midwest Publisher News, publication of the Midwest Independent Publishers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, February 1995, p. 1. [Note: Patrick Redmond cited in "meeting notice," for February 8, 1995 meeting, as a guest speaker on this topic.]
"Artist Encourages Community Creativity,"" Minnesota Education News, Saint Paul, February 11, 1972, p. 4.
Art Educators of Minnesota (AEM). “2017 AEM Minnesota State Fall Conference – Standard / Exceptional!” program guide, Saint Cloud, Minnesota, p. 3. Note: Patrick Redmond, M.A.’s two mini sessions/presentations (1:00-1:25 pm, “A Vision for an AEM NAEA [National Art Education Association] Design Issues Group” and 1:35-2:00 pm, “Recollections of a [Rural and] Greater MN Graphic Designer [-In-Residence] / Artist-In-Residence” Patrick Redmond, M.A.) listed under Saturday, November 4, 2017, 1:00-2:00 pm, Workshop Session V, in Board Room, Holiday Inn & Suites, Saint Cloud, Minnesota. (For further information, see,, “Minnesota” under;; and Examples of Patrick Redmond’s design were also included in the 2017 AEM Members Digital Exhibition displayed at the 2017 AEM Minnesota State Conference.
Bart, Deborah L. and Singher, Mary L. "From the Drawing Board to the Keyboard: The evolution of computer graphics is changing approaches to and attitudes about the graphic design business," Minnesota Business Journal, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Vol. 10, No. 1, January 1986, p. 44, 46, 48, 50. [Note: Patrick Redmond quoted on p. 48, 50.]
Beckmann, Curtis, ed.; Costello, John, managing ed. Skyway News. Your Connection to Downtown Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Vol. 31, No. 10, March 5, 2001, p. 12. Note: Photo of Patrick Redmond celebrating with Peter Seitz at 2001 AIGA Minnesota Fellow Award event (at Cafe Un, Deux, Trois in The Foshay Tower) honoring Peter Seitz, AIGA Minnesota's first Fellow Award recipient, February 26, 2001, Minneapolis. Includes descriptive caption.
Bell, Pat. "What makes good cover design?," Midwest Publisher News, newsletter of the Midwest Independent Publishers Association [MIPA], Eden Prairie, Minnesota, March 1995, p. 3. [Note: In this "January MIPA Program Notes" feature reviewing the January 1995 MIPA meeting at which Patrick Redmond was a presenter, Patrick's presentation is one of two summarized, quoted and paraphrased. Also, according to the editor, "a videotape of the meeting may be borrowed from the MIPA office."]
Billstein, Kelli. “CCE Alumnus Receives Graphic Design Award," CCE News, Inter-College Program [formerly Program for Individualized Learning; formerly University Without Walls Program of University College], College of Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, October 2016. See
Boasi, Lou. "GD:USA reader poll: computers are now dominant graphic design and imaging tool; no turning back; `designer-friendly' hardware, software, services sought," Graphic Design: USA, New York, May 1993, Vol. 28, No. 5, p. 26. [Note: Patrick Redmond is quoted in this article; photo of Patrick Redmond by Timothy Francisco.]
Burello, Jotham, ed. YWC, Yale Writers’ Conference Newsletter, Yale, New Haven, Connecticut, March 2017, Issue 1, Number 1, p. 4. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in “Alumni” section of “Faculty & Alumni News & Notes," p. 4. This is the inaugural, first edition of YWC Newsletter. For further information, see Yale University, Yale Center for International and Professional Experience, Yale College, Yale University.
"'Civic Pride' Is First In Teen Times Contest," West Allis Star, West Allis, Wisconsin, July 16, 1964, Vol. 49, No. 37, p. A3. [Note: "Civic Pride," a montage by Patrick Redmond, was awarded first place in the "Teen Times" Art Contest. West Allis Star photo includes Patrick Redmond (at age 14) as one of the "winners proudly exhibiting their work."]
Cross, Blaine, ed. Reflections, The Newsletter for PIL [Program for Individualized Learning] Students, Alumni, and Friends. Published by the Program for Individualized Learning, University College, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Fall 1998, Vol. 1, No. 1, p.11. [Note: Patrick Redmond item in "Alumni News" section.]
"Designers Mentoring Designers" Affinity Session, "Head, Heart, Hand," 2013 AIGA National Design Conference Guide, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 10-12, 2013, AIGA, "the professional association for designTM," p. 42. Notes: Patrick Redmond [mentor] listed as a panelist with Pamela Mead [protégé], and Michael Bierut [mentor] with Jennifer Kinon [protégé]; session facilitator, Su Mathews. This session included in conference program as a result of Patrick Redmond's proposal for affinity session, according to AIGA's Kathleen Budny.
Dickey, Cale. "Artist in Residence," Fergus Falls Daily Journal, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, February 8, 1972, (full-page feature story with photos by Cale Dickey), p. 14.
Dwyer, Kelly O'Hara. Editor, Minnesota Alumni magazine, posted related note by Patrick Michael Redmond, M.A., re: the Elizabeth Foy Larsen feature article "Unleash Your Creativity. [University of Minnesota] Alumni and faculty offer tips to help you live a more imaginative, fulfilled life," Minnesota Alumni, Spring 2020, Vol. 119, No. 3. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Alumni Association. (2020). University of Minnesota Alumni Association, at, Tuesday morning, May 12, 2020, [as Patrick Redmond's addenda to article] in comments section. See "U of M alumnus Patrick Redmond shared this note: I led an initiative on creativity at the U of M in past years beginning in 1985, teaching the pioneering term-length course "Design Process: Creativity.” Each of us in art and design education leaves (or will leave) a legacy or legacies of one kind or another. At almost 70, with several decades of experience in the arts, design and related education and practice, one facet of my legacy is having had the privilege and the opportunity of identifying the need for and teaching a creativity-focused — in some ways what now might be called a “design thinking” — course. Playing this role championing creativity — with the support of and collaboration with my colleagues and professors — was one of my key contributions to the evolution of college and university-level design education. While I continue my ongoing work as a graphic designer, artist, author, publisher and entrepreneur, I retired from the teaching facet of my multifaceted career in 2012. I continue to be an enthusiastic advocate for creativity at all levels of education. – Patrick Michael Redmond (B.S. '73, M.A. '90 [University of Minnesota])," [Note: Patrick Redmond's submitted comment was based on his article "'Design Process: Creativity,' Revisited" included in the Fall 2019 issue of Art Exchange, an Art Educators of Minnesota publication. See and scroll to pages 20-21.]
Faufau, Lola, ed. Graphic News, March 2015, p. 1 (cover). Published by Printing Industries Midwest, Printing Industries of America, Roseville, Minnesota. Note: Patrick Redmond included in group photo of judges for the Printing Industries Midwest 2015 Star of Excellence Awards competition.
Fedo, Michael W. "Eagle Bend's Available Artist," American Education, July 1972, Vol. 8, No. 6, p. 16-21. Published by U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 20402. Note: Photos by Michael Kopp, Black Star, p. 18, 19, 21 and Richard Olsenius, The Minneapolis Tribune, p. 16, 17, 20. Feature story by noted author Michael Fedo (author of The Man from Lake Wobegon, An Unauthorized Biography of Garrison Keillor, St. Martin's Press, 1987; One Shining Season, Pharos Books, 1991; et al.).
Fleming, Robert, ed. MGDA Newsletter, Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, Minneapolis, Fall 1980, p. 8. [Note: Patrick Redmond cited in "People" section.]
"Fresh A.I.R. in Eagle Bend," Eagle Bend News, Eagle Bend, Minnesota, Vol. 77, Issue 2, p. 2. Note: includes photo.
"Gift," The Minneapolis Star, Minneapolis, Vol. XCII, No. 261, September 25, 1970, p. 4b. [Note: Minneapolis Star photo by Charles Bjorgen of "the winning Waterford Crystal design" ... "by P.M. Redmond"; caption also includes statement that the crystal "has been donated to the Minneapolis Art Institute by Powers Department Store."]
Glueck, Grace. "Only a Handful Will Make It," The New York Sunday Times, New York, March 3, 1974, Section II, p. 21.
Gorman, Jean. "A garret goes gracious: High on a historic corner, Motherwell meets Aubusson," Architecture Minnesota, A Journal of Design and Creative Living, Minneapolis, Vol. 10, No. 2, March/April 1984, photo, p. 3, article and photos, p. 46-47. [Note: Photos by Philip Macmillan James.]
Hampl, Patricia. "Self Portrait of a Rural Town," Preview, Magazine of Minnesota Educational Radio, Saint Paul, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1973, p. 4-5. [Note: "Minnesota Educational Radio" became "Minnesota Public Radio"; Preview became Minnesota Monthly of Minnesota Public Radio.]
Harris, Molly. "Meeting Notes: August Highlights," Minnesota Publisher News, The Monthly Newsletter of the Minnesota Independent Publishers Association, Lakeville, Minnesota, September 1991, p. 2, 4.
"Head, Heart, Hand," 2013 AIGA National Design Conference Attendee Directory, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 10-12, 2013, AIGA, "the professional association for designTM." Note: "Patrick Redmond, Patrick Redmond Design" listed alphabetically in "R" section of this directory.
"Head, Heart, Hand: AIGA Conference" program booklet, October 10-12, 2013. National AIGA Conference, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Booklet published by AIGA ( Note: Patrick Redmond cited in October 11, 2013 Affinity Session "Designers Mentoring Designers" description, topic proposed by Patrick Redmond for conference.
"The Irish Make a Clear-Cut Case for Crystal," The Minneapolis Tribune, Minneapolis, Vol. CIV, No. 130, October 1, 1970, p. 17. [Note: Article makes reference to Powers Department Store's "Irish festival"" citing "Pat Redmond" as the creator of the design including "an outline of the state [of Minnesota] and the state seal and flower" for a (commemorative Waterford Crystal) "apothecary jar made for Powers." Article also states that "the piece is to become part of the permanent collection of the Minneapolis Institute of Art."]
Joslyn, Jay. "CAP Serves As a Catalyst," Milwaukee Sentinel, Milwaukee, Vol. 7, No. 77, October 19, 1968, Part 1, p. 29. [Note: "CAP" = "Children's Arts Program" at the Milwaukee Art Center [now known as the Milwaukee Art Museum]. Patrick Redmond's work included in three-person exhibit in the "first `graduate' show CAP has mounted."]
Jursik, Anne, and Trevor Muller, eds. Emerging, University of Minnesota College of Design, Spring 2016, Vol. 10, No. 2, p. 11. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in "Alumni" section re: exhibition of textile and fiber arts books he designed at Textile Center, a national center for fiber arts. "Textile Center in St. Paul" should read "Textile Center in Minneapolis."
Kato, Yoshiko. "Global New Waves in the `70's -- U.S.A. Part Two," Graphic Design +, Tokyo, Japan, No. 74, June 1979, p.__.
Kaye, Gordon. "Letter from the Publisher," GD USA (Graphic Design: USA), New York, April 2017 [March/April 2017], Vol. 54, No. 2, p. 4 (print edition). [Note: Patrick Redmond comments included (Patrick Redmond is quoted re: the late Milt Kaye and GD USA's recognition of design and designers from the 'heartland' including the Upper Midwest) in "Not Everything Is Resolved" section of Gordon Kaye's "Letter from the Publisher".
Kaye, Gordon D. "Milton Glaser & Mother Theresa," Graphics Update, Graphic Design: USA, New York, May 1992, p. 122. [Note: Patrick Redmond mentioned in article.]
Kaye, Gordon D. "1996 Graphic Design Forecast," Graphic Design: USA, New York, January 1996, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 36 [Note: Patrick Redmond included in list of 106 ""Forecasters in the Past"" ("Over the past several years many of the best and brightest graphic design professionals in the country have participated in the annual Graphic Design: USA forecast. Here is a list of forecasters since 1993."), p. 36]
Kendall, Erick. "Second Grader Says It's "So Pritty" [sic] in Eagle Bend," Midland Cooperative Builder, Superior, Wisconsin, Vol. 48, No. 49, December 6, 1973, p. 5; Midland Cooperator, Minneapolis, Vol. 41, No. 25, December 10, 1973, p. 1, 9. [Note: Photo in both publications shows Eagle Bend School Superintendent Wilbur E. James -- a major advocate and proponent of the artist-in-residence program -- with Patrick Redmond.]
LaGrange, Lyndsey. "Patrick Redmond: Creative Director, Designer, Author, Consultant & Artist," in Stoutonia, University of Wisconsin-Stout student newspaper, Menomonie, Wisconsin, February 25, 2010, Vol. 100, No. 10, p. 15.
"Local graphics teacher retires," in "Neighbors" section, Park Bugle, Saint Anthony Park, Saint Paul, Minnesota, March 2013, p. 19. (
Madison, Cathy. "Designing the Box to Sell the Product: We Can Do It, Too," Format: The Advertising Magazine for Minnesota and the Upper Midwest, Minneapolis, July 1984, p. 13; photo of packaging, p. 12.
Martinson, Barbara, PhD, Director of Graduate Studies. “Fast Forward,” DHA Graduate Program Alumni Newsletter, Issue 1, Fall 2007, “Where are they now?”, p. 5. Design, Housing, and Apparel [DHA], College of Design, University of Minnesota. Note: M.A. ’90 alumnus Patrick Redmond cited on page 5 in the “Where are they [DHA alumni] now?” section.
McKone, Seamus. "Seamus Reports," in Irish Gazette, "An Irish Cultural Newspaper" and "A publication devoted to Irish culture, current events and the Irish-American experience," Saint Paul, Minnesota, Vol. 30, No. 1, February 9, 2016, p. 4. Note: Patrick Redmond 50th anniversary cited in "Seamus Reports" section.
"Midwest Book Awards honor region's publishers," Star Tribune, Minneapolis, June 14, 1992, p. 7Fx.
Minnesota Scholastic Art Awards 2016 Award Ceremonies Program, February 20, 2016, Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Minnesota Scholastic Art Awards; AEM, Art Educators of Minnesota, p. 1. Note: Patrick Redmond is listed as the keynote speaker for two of the five award ceremonies: Noon and 1:30 pm, February 20, 2016.
Neitzke, Arlene. "Profiles In Excellence: Minneapolis College Turns To CMG Artist For His Expertise," Dimensions, publication of Carlson Marketing Group, Minneapolis, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 1991, p. 5.
Nelson, Rick. "50 Years of Taste. Look back on 18 years of playful, artist-designed Taste covers." Subtitle/description: "Poster covers — some beautiful, some weird, some funny and all imaginative — were a Taste signature feature for nearly two decades.” Minneapolis StarTribune, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 182, October 3, 2019, p. T6-T7. Note: Patrick Redmond is quoted in this feature story [p. T6] and one of his Taste poster/covers was also included [p. T7]; Patrick Redmond designed and illustrated the “Taste / dining out” poster cover, Redmond, Patrick. Designer, artist, illustrator. “Taste / dining out,” Minneapolis Star, Wednesday, October 26, 1977, Vol. 99, No. 277, p. 1C (newspaper food section cover/poster only [p. “1C”], this respective issue). See ... 2/23/20 note: according to StarTribune Taste [quoted from StarTribune, "Variety", "Sunday Taste", Sunday, February 23, 2020, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 325, p. E10]: "Taste... named one of the three finalists for Newspaper Food Section of the Year by the International Association of Culinary Professionals" [] and is " competing with the food sections of the Los Angeles Times and the Washingtion Post" ["the winner will be announced in late March" (2020)... "one of the Taste entries was its 50th birthday retrospective"... ""].
Nitzberg, Kevan [sic], ed. “Artist Corner,” AEM Art Exchange, An Art Educators of Minnesota Publication. Art Educators of Minnesota (, Spring 2016, p. 8, 20. Note: Patrick Redmond featured on page 8.
Nitzberg, Kevan [sic], ed. “Patrick Redmond Award,” AEM Art Exchange, An Art Educators of Minnesota Publication (AEM Art Exchange), Winter 2017, p.13 ( Notes: “Patrick Redmond Award” also listed on p. 1 under “Inside:” [table of contents]. Patrick Redmond provided editor Kevan Knitzberg with the text/content for the “Patrick Redmond Award” article.
"Norwest banks on Redmond for in-house design group," Graphic Design: USA, New York, Vol. 23, No. 10, October 1988, cover, p. 2.
Parsons, James. "He Makes Art Fun," Minneapolis Tribune "Picture" magazine, Minneapolis, February 27, 1972, p. 12, 14-15, 17-21. [Note: Major feature story about Patrick Redmond as artist-in-residence in Eagle Bend, Minnesota; includes photos of Patrick Redmond by Richard Olsenius.]
"Region's publishers honored in first Midwest Book Awards," Star Tribune, Minneapolis, Vol. XI, No. 71, June 14, 1992, p. 4F. [Note: cited in article.]
Ruyle, Wendy. Updated and revised by Kolean Pitner and Cheryl Stone. “Celebrating 30 years of Leadership. As AIGA Minnesota celebrates its 30th anniversary, Issues takes a look at its leaders,” AIGA [Minnesota] Issues, Winter, 2008, p. 18. Note: A brief biographical summary paragraph about Patrick Redmond included in 1979 section. Feature story based on an article by Wendy Ruyle originally published in Spring 2002 edition of [AIGA Minnesota] Issues, updated and revised by Kolean Pitner and Cheryl Stone for AIGA [Minnesota] Issues, Winter, 2008 edition.
Sands, R.D. "This newsletter takes big step from 1959," N, A Newsletter for Newsletters, Minneapolis: Poll & Erickson, Poll Communications Group, Vol. 1, No. 8, 1988, p. 7. [Note: Patrick Redmond designed the version of 'DH Headlines' publication for employees of Dayton Hudson Department Store Company reviewed in this article.]
Searle, Karen. "About Dos Tejedoras," Dos Tejedoras Fiber Arts Publications Newsletter/Catalog, Saint Paul: Dos Tejedoras Fiber Arts Publications, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1993-94, p. 7. [Note: Patrick Redmond cited].
Searle, Karen. "What is a Tejedora and why are there two of them?," Dos Tejedoras Fiber Arts Publications Newsletter/Catalog, Saint Paul, Minnesota, Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall/Winter 1992-93, p. 2.
"Seventeen Magazine 1968 Illustration Contest," Seventeen Magazine, New York, January 1969, illustration (third prize) p. 82; photo (of Patrick Redmond by Nick Rice, Minneapolis) and caption, p. 146.
Sheehy, Gail. LifeTimes. Results of a questionnaire on designers' attitudes given at the IDCA [International Design Conference at Aspen] Shop Talk conference in June 1977. [Tabloid designed by Milton Glaser]. Copyright 1977, Gail Sheehy, IDCA. 27th International Design Conference in Aspen [Colorado], June 12 through 17, 1977. "The first major research effort to measure designers' attitudes toward their work and their lives..." Note: Publication includes Patrick Redmond self-portrait sketch, second from bottom, p. 3.
Swartley, Ed. "FirstAmerican Bank logo anchors unified image," Colorado Springs Sun, Colorado Springs, Colorado, August 17, 1980, Vol. 11, No. 230, p. 4-G (col. 4-7).
"6 High School Pupils Earn Awards in Art," Milwaukee Sentinel, Milwaukee, May 20, 1967, Vol. __, No. __, p. __. [Note: Patrick Redmond cited as one of the award winners at the ninth annual Milwaukee [county] area school art festival with an ink drawing "The Commuter Fantasia."]
Smith-Dewey, Charles, Elise and Ruari, ed. "MIPA's MBA awards gala is termed a great success!," Midwest Publisher News, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, August, 1992, p. 3. [Note: Patrick Redmond designed the award-winning books for Dos Tejedoras Fiber Arts Publications.]
Pius XI High School 1967-1968 Yearbook, Pius XI High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1968, p. S-90 [Note: Patrick Redmond academic involvements and extracurricular list]; S-91 [Note: Photo of Patrick Redmond].
Torkelson, Jeanne and John Finkler, editors-in-chief. Pius XI Journal, Pius XI High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April-May 1968, Vol. XXXIV, No. 8, p. 91 "pmr [Patrick Michael Redmond] wins again," [Note: Photo of "Pat Redmond" (in Pius XI High School Art Classroom); caption refers to first place in "Milwaukee Journal Student Art Calendar Awards;" also makes reference to "student activist group 'Catalyst'" and states "Pat is unofficial head of the group."]
University of Minnesota Alumni Association. "Staying in Touch. You and Your Membership Make a World of Difference" brochure; (brochure also used as an insert in Minnesota, the magazine of the UMAA), University of Minnesota Alumni Association (UMAA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1993, p. 3. [Note: Patrick Redmond is one of several University of Minnesota alumni profiled; includes 1993 photo of Patrick Redmond by Bill Eilers.]
Visions, KMAA [Katonah Museum Artists' Association] newsletter, Fall 2019, “Member News” section, page 11 (Note: includes news re: Patrick Redmond and “Design Process: Creativity” at U of MN... pr important, additional clarification note: this information had been revised and rewritten by the editors and does not appear, verbatim, as submitted by Patrick Redmond... therefore, readers should refer to Fall 2019 AEM [Art Educators of Minnesota] Art Exchange publication, p. 20-21, for clarification and accuracy.).!/KMAA_Fall%202019%20Newsletter.pdf?item_id=2023561&version_id=2023562 and AEM newsletter should also be available at this website under "Resources" – "Newsletter Archives" in the future. -pr
Visions, KMAA (Katonah Museum Artists’ Association) Newsletter. “Member News” section, Mid-Winter 2020, p. 9. (Visions, is The Katonah Museum Artists' Association Newsletter). “The KMAA [] is an artists' organization associated with the Katonah Museum of Art [Katonah, New York] [].” [Note: Patrick Redmond had also notified editor prior to publication that he would not be exhibiting his work at the 2020 NAEA (National Art Education Association) National Convention "Artisans Gallery" due to other commitments.]
Wascoe, Dan Jr. ""Designers put talent and heart into Christmas cards," Star Tribune, Minneapolis, December 25, 1989, Vol. VIII, No. 265, p. 3d. [Note: Patrick Redmond cited.]
"West Allis Students Attend Art Workshop, U-W Wausau," West Allis Star, West Allis, Wisconsin, June 29, 1967, Vol. 51, No. 35, p. 2. [Note: Patrick Redmond cited as the West Allis student who received a scholarship from the Milwaukee Art Teachers Association.]
Wright, Lael. "Arts in the Small Community," Small Town Magazine, Publication of the Small Towns Institute, Ellensburg, Washington, Vol. 7, No. 4, October 1976, cover, p. 3-4, 8-9, 40.
YWC, Yale Writers' Conference Newsletter, Yale, New Haven, Connecticut, March 2017, Issue 1, Number 1, p. 4. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in “Alumni” section of “Faculty & Alumni News & Notes," p. 4. This is the inaugural, first edition of YWC Newsletter. For further information, see Yale University, Yale Center for International and Professional Experience, Yale College. Burello, Jotham, ed.
Yale Writers’ Workshop Newsletter, January 2019, “Alumni News,” p. 4. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in “Alumni News” section. Yale Writers’ Workshop, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Jotham Borrello, Director and Editor.
Yale Writers' Workshop Newsletter, January 2020, "Alumni News" section. Note: Patrick Redmond (inadvertently misspelled as "Redmon" by publication; year of this YWW publication should also be corrected to read 2020 instead of 2019, as it appears 1/7/20 [PR notified by YWW that these will to be corrected in next edition]) cited in "Alumni News" section. Yale Writers' Workshop. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Jotham Borrello, Director and Editor.
Yale Writers' Workshop Newsletter, February 2020 [2/28/20], "Alumni News" section. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in "Alumni News" section. Yale Writers' Workshop. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Jotham Borrello, Director and Editor. [Note: Corrections, per Patrick Redmond, "newsletter" in Patrick Redmond citation, should be changed to read "memoir" and "Education of Minnesota" should read "an Art Educators of Minnesota publication."]
Yale Writers’ Workshop Newsletter, “Alumni News” section, June 17, 2020. Note, included/cited: “Patrick M. Redmond, M.A. (YWW '13) regarding bibliographic citations: Article "The co-opting of art education as we have known it." in Art Exchange, An Art Educators of Minnesota Publication, Spring 2020, p. 21; Memoir, "AEM Members can participate in NAEA 'COLLABORATE' forum online community. One member's detailed experience," Ibid., Spring 2020, p. 21-22.“ To view a copy of the Yale Writers' Workshop Newsletter, contact For further information, see The Yale Center for International and Professional Experience, Yale Writers' Workshop, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. (
Yang, Vang Yee. "Artist Profile: Patrick Redmond." Paper written for English Composition course ["EngComp 3013" "Writing for your major: art", Winter Quarter 1999], University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus, February 22, 1999. [Note: Page 2 of paper should be corrected to read "(1966 to present)" not "(1973-1990)".]
Zyskowski, Bob, ed. The Catholic Spirit, Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, St. Paul, Minnesota, Vol. 1, No. 32, September 26, 1996, (in "We've Heard" column), p. 2. [Note: announcement re: exhibit of graphic design by Patrick Redmond at Paul Whitney Larson Gallery, Saint Paul Student Center, University of Minnesota.]
Selected Catalogs, Annuals & Periodicals
Note: Work by Patrick Redmond appears in the following selected design catalogs, annuals, and/or periodicals. See detailed bibliography for details:
2016 American Graphic Design Awards, GD:USA (2016), (online, digital version)
2012 American Graphic Design Awards, GD:USA (2012)
The Show 2012, Advertising Federation of Minnesota, Minneapolis (2012)
American Corporate Identity 2008
The Best of Retail Advertising Design, New York (1988)
Graphis Annual 85/86, Zurich (1985)
Print Regional Annual, Washington, D.C., (1984)
Graphis Packaging 4, Zurich
1983 Colorado International Invitational Poster Exhibition catalog, Fort Collins (1983)
The Show `83, Advertising Federation of Minnesota, Minneapolis (1983)
Tenth Biennale of Graphic Design, Brno, Czech Republic (1982)
Graphis Annual 81/82, Zurich (1981)
Print Regional Annual, Washington, D.C. (1981)
60th Art Directors Annual, New York (1981)
STA 100 [Society of Typographic Arts, later known as ACD 100, American Center for Design], Chicago (1981)
The Show `80, Minneapolis (1980)
58th Art Directors Annual, New York (1979)
Creativity Annual, New York (1979)
Letterheads 2, New York (1979)
The Show `79, Minneapolis (1979)
Graphic Design+, Tokyo (1979)
Art Direction, New York (1978)
Format, Minneapolis (1978)
Graphis Annual 78/79, Zurich (1978)
Trademarks 5, Ashland, Kentucky (1977)
Graphis Annual 75/76, Zurich (1975)
The following bibliographic citations are from University of Minnesota, College of Design Design at Minnesota D@MN News, “Your Source for College of Design Alumni, Faculty, and Student News” [formerly known as "College of Design MEMO" or "CDesMEMO"] or, as indicated, from Emerging, University of Minnesota College of Design. Note: Click on each title to link to each respective news item. These bibliographic citations are listed in reverse chronological order. -pr 02.20.2020
Spring 2020 Emerging, College of Design, University of Minnesota, Spring 2020, Vol. 14, No. 2, p. 11. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in "Alumni Notes" section.
Spring 2017 Emerging, College of Design, University of Minnesota, Spring 2017, Vol. 11, No. 2, p. 11. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in "Alumni" section.
Fall 2016 Emerging, College of Design, University of Minnesota, Fall 2016, Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 15. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in "Alumni" section.
Spring 2016 Emerging, College of Design, University of Minnesota, Spring 2016, Vol. 10, No. 2, p. 11. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in “Alumni” section re: exhibition of several award-winning fiber and textile arts books he had designed at the Textile Center, a national center for fiber arts. "Textile Center in St. Paul" should read "Textile Center in Minneapolis."
In related print:
Patrick Redmond cited in University of Minnesota College of Design Emerging magazine, "Alumni News," Fall 2013, p. 14.
Patrick Redmond cited in University of Minnesota College of Design Emerging magazine, "Alumni" news, Spring, 2013, p.12
The following bibliographic citations are from MCAD (Minneapolis College of Art and Design) various publications.
Patrick Redmond is cited in the following Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) publications. The following partial
list, in reverse chronological order (2014-1978), includes select annotations and is a draft version (Note: this MCAD section
is v.020816). Note: Patrick Redmond attended MCAD 1968-1970, his first two years of college, beginning his studies when MCAD was still known as the Minneapolis School of Art.
[Patrick] "Redmond in Goldstein Museum of Design Exhibition," included online in "MCAD News," online at, posted 2018.
[Patrick] "Redmond to Be A Keynote Speaker at MSAA [Minnesota Scholastic Art Awards ceremonies]," included online in "MCAD News," online at, posted February 4, 2016.
MCAD 2015 "Feed Your Future" Alumni Mentor Lunch series, January 26, 2015 session. Note: This was publicized via the MCAD Intranet. Patrick Redmond was the featured MCAD alumni mentor for this event, the first session of the 2015 series.
"Patrick Redmond Judges Midwest Print Competition," in "MCAD News," online at, posted March 6, 2014.
"Patrick Redmond Presents at AIGA National Conference," in "MCAD News," online at, posted October 2, 2013.
"Alumni Notes," MCAD [magazine], Fall 2012, Vol. 4: 20.
“Alumni News,” MCAD [magazine], Spring 2011, Vol. 1: 24.
MCAD Magazine, June 2009, Vol. 4: 62.
MCAD Magazine, Summer 2005, Vol. 1, No. 2: 20.
“Alumni.” Minneapolis College of Art and Design [publication] February-May 1991: 6.
Minneapolis College of Art and Design Alumni Newsletter, 1886-1986 Centennial Year. Winter 1986: 12.
Minneapolis College of Art and Design Alumni Newsletter. Spring 1984: 8.
Alumni News, A Publication of the Office of Career Counseling and Alumni, The Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Winter 1982: 6.
The Minneapolis College of Art and Design Alumni News. Fall 1982. Note: This issue was designed and produced by Patrick Redmond, assisted by intern Jennifer Nicholson, mobility student attending MCAD from the Maryland Institute, College of Art, in visual communication. It was included in the national Society of Publication Designers (
competition, receiving recognition for innovative publication design. Patrick Redmond and Jennifer Nicholson credited on poster side of publication.
Alumni News, A Publication of the Office of Career Counseling and Alumni, The Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Spring 1981: 9.
Alumni News, A Publication of the Office of Career Counseling and Alumni, The Minneapolis College of Art and Design. December 1980: 3. Note: Patrick Redmond is included in list of MCAD “Alumni Scholarship” [1980-1981] Committee members. Other members of this committee included: "David Noblett, Nancy Bundt, Art Gruber, Rachel Holtzer, Kathy Johnson, Dean Koutsky, John Lottes, George Morrison, Birney Quick, Rudy Raccio, and Betty Vachon," Ibid., p. 3.
Alumni News, A Publication of the Office of Career Counseling and Alumni, The Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Spring 1980: 4.
Alumni News, A Publication of the Office of Career Counseling and Alumni, The Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Fall 1979: 6.
Alumni News, A Publication of the Office of Career Counseling and Alumni, The Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Spring 1979: 1, 6.
Alumni News, A Publication of the Office of Career Counseling and Alumni, The Minneapolis College of Art and Design. December 1978 to January 1979: 2.
Alumni News, A Publication of the Office of Career Counseling and Alumni, The Minneapolis College of Art and Design. October-November 1978: 6. MCAD’s editing erratum: “Their community publications…” should read “Patrick Redmond’s community publications, Self Portrait: Eagle Bend and ‘I Thought A Loft Was For Hay’ have received national and international recognition.”
Alumni News, A Publication of the Office of Career Counseling and Alumni, The Minneapolis College of Art and Design. February, March 1978: 2.
Note: Although the following may be listed in various locations in the main bibliography, above, this section provides Patrick Redmond bibliographic citations grouped by a single publication title.
Re: New York-based GD USA (Graphic Design: USA) magazine
Redmond, Patrick. "Color is Meaning and Significance," ["25 top designers and experts focus on color trends..." in this "Special Focus: Color & Graphic Design" Special Report feature], Graphic Design: USA, New York, Vol. 27, No. 6, June 1992, p. 48 (includes photo of author). [Note: Article by Patrick Redmond included in this magazine-prepared editorial section.]
Redmond, Patrick. "Comcept," Graphic Design: USA, New York, Vol. 19, No. 6, June 1984, p. 4.
Redmond, Patrick. "Forecast '80," Graphics USA, New York, January 1980, p. 12.
Redmond, Patrick. Re: Independent Master Class, in "People" section, GD: USA (Graphic Design: USA), "The News Magazine for Creative Professionals," April 2012, Vol. 48, No. 3, p. 35; also online at Note re: GD USA: Gordon Kaye, Editor; Jessica Taraski, Associate Editor; Charlotte Kaye, Assistant Enews Editor; Sasha Kaye, Assistant News Editor.
Redmond, Patrick M., M.A. "Letter to the Editor," "March/April 2013," GD USA [Graphic Design: USA], March/April 2013, Vol. 49, No. 2, p. 8. Note: Patrick Redmond's letter suggests an expansion of the New York-based, national trade magazine's list of influential graphic designers, art directors, and/or design educators over the past 50 years" to include at least 1,000 names.
Redmond, Patrick. "Redmond: '97 presents more opportunity for design," Graphic Design: USA, [New York], Vol. 33, No. 1, January 1997, p. 82 [Note: This brief commentary by Patrick Redmond is included in "Part III of this Special Quarterly Report," "Business Outlook: Design In The Center," section in which the magazine interviews ""successful creative professionals from design firms... on the outlook of the [design] business today," part of the publication's cover feature "Special [33rd] Anniversary Report: Our Past. Our Present. Our Future." "Patrick Redmond, M.A." also included in list "Participants in this section," p. 67; cited in list of "Forecasters in Past Anniversaries," p. 92.]
Redmond, Patrick Michael. "Technology promises fusion of work and play," Graphic Design: USA, [New York], Vol. 31, No. 1, January 1995, p. 85 (includes photo of author by Tim Francisco). [Note: Article by Patrick Redmond included in this magazine-prepared editorial section "Is 'graphic design' on verge of a golden age? 50 design leaders forecast 1995," cover, p. 37-89, by Gordon Kaye. Also note: Cover sidebar states "Words of wisdom from 50 of America's most interesting graphic communicators;" "Patrick Redmond" included on cover in list of 50 which also includes Milton Glaser, Tim Girvin, Massimo Vignelli, and Henry Wolf, to name a few others.]
Redmond, Patrick. "25+ Top Professionals Forecast Design & Production Trends," [a.k.a. "Graphic Design: USA 25th Anniversary Forecast: Design & Production Professionals"], Graphic Design: USA, [New York], Vol. 24, No. 1, January 1989, cover, p. 33 (includes photo of author). [Note: Article by Patrick Redmond included in this magazine-prepared editorial section.]
Boasi, Lou. "GD:USA reader poll: computers are now dominant graphic design and imaging tool; no turning back; `designer-friendly' hardware, software, services sought," Graphic Design: USA, New York, May 1993, Vol. 28, No. 5, p. 26. [Note: Patrick Redmond is quoted in this article; photo of Patrick Redmond by Timothy Francisco.]
Kaye, Gordon D. "Milton Glaser & Mother Theresa," Graphics Update, Graphic Design: USA, New York, May 1992, p. 122. [Note: Patrick Redmond mentioned in article.]
Kaye, Gordon D. "1996 Graphic Design Forecast," Graphic Design: USA, New York, January 1996, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 36 [Note: Patrick Redmond included in list of 106 ""Forecasters in the Past"" ("Over the past several years many of the best and brightest graphic design professionals in the country have participated in the annual Graphic Design: USA forecast. Here is a list of forecasters since 1993."), p. 36]
Kaye, Gordon D. "Past People To Watch" section of New York-based GD USA (Graphic Design: USA), "The news magazine for creative professionals," January/February 2015, Vol. 51, No. 1, p. 110-112. Note: Patrick Redmond is listed, p. 112, and has been included in prior editions of the magazine's "Past People To Watch" lists. Note: Among many individuals listed, fellow Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) alumni include Charles S. Anderson, Joe Duffy, Monica Little, and Bill Thorburn.
"Norwest banks on Redmond for in-house design group," Graphic Design: USA, New York, Vol. 23, No. 10, October 1988, cover, p. 2.
For further information re: Graphic Design: USA magazine, see
Patrick Redmond Bibliographic Citations Re: AIGA Minnesota and MGDA (Minnesota Graphic Designers Association) publications
Redmond, Patrick. "An Inside Look at the Graphic Work in Norwest's 'Modernism' Corporate Art Collection," AIGA/ Minnesota Issues, Minnesota Chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts, Minneapolis, March 1989, cover, p. 2.
Redmond, Patrick. "Letter to the Editor," MGDA Journal, Minnesota Graphic Designers Association (later known as "American Institute of Graphic Arts [AIGA] Minnesota Chapter"), Minneapolis, Summer 1985, p. 3.
Redmond, Patrick. "Letter to the Journal," MGDA Journal, Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, Minneapolis, Winter 1986, p. 5.
Redmond, Patrick, ed. MGDA News, The Newsletter for the Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, Minneapolis. April 1979. Cited: "MGDA Elects New Officers," p. 1; cited, various items, p. 3. (documentation re: Patrick Redmond elected president of MGDA, later known as AIGA Minnesota).
Redmond, Patrick, auth. and ed. Minnesota Graphic Designers Association Newsletter, Minneapolis. February 1980. [Note: Majority of issue consists of "A letter from the president" summarizing 1979 in respect to MGDA during Patrick Redmond's term as the organization's third president. MGDA became the AIGA/Minnesota the American Institute of Graphic Arts, Minnesota Chapter in 1987.]
Redmond, Patrick, ed. Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, The Newsletter for the Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, Minneapolis. November 1979; cited: "Moorhead State University Design Students Visit Twin Cities," p. 1.
Redmond, Patrick. "Retrospective Perspective," AIGA/MN Issues, The Official News Paper [sic] of AIGA/MN, The American Institute of Graphic Arts, Minnesota Chapter, Minneapolis, November 1999, p. 11.
Redmond, Patrick. "Selecting a graphic design curriculum that is right for you," MGDA Designers Offer Their Advice brochure, (Edited by Phil Swensen), Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, Minneapolis, 1985, p.16-17. (photos of author, outside back cover is 1968 Pius XI High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, yearbook photo; p. 16, Fall 1985 photo by Paul Shambroom. Includes selected bibliography compiled by author, p. 17).
Redmond, Patrick. "The Perennial Paisley: Notes on Peg DeLamater's Lecture 'The Paisley: A Study in Design Evolution and Transformations'," MGDA Journal, Minnesota Graphic Designers Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Fall 1986, p. 3.
Redmond, Patrick. "The Design Mentor," AIGA/MN Issues, The Official News Paper [sic] of AIGA/MN, The American Institute of Graphic Arts, Minnesota Chapter, Minneapolis, August 1999, p. 2, 6.
Redmond, Patrick. "When Your Career Becomes Your Hobby...," AIGA/MN Issues, The Official News Paper [sic] of AIGA/MN, The American Institute of Graphic Arts, Minnesota Chapter, Minneapolis, January 2000, p. 2.
Redmond, Patrick. "Virtuoso Vignelli," AIGA/Minnesota Issues, Minnesota Chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts, Minneapolis, May 1993, back cover.
Ruyle, Wendy. Updated and revised by Kolean Pitner and Cheryl Stone. “Celebrating 30 years of Leadership. As AIGA Minnesota celebrates its 30th anniversary, Issues takes a look at its leaders,” AIGA [Minnesota] Issues, Winter, 2008, p. 18. Note: A brief biographical summary paragraph about Patrick Redmond included in 1979 section. Feature story based on an article by Wendy Ruyle originally published in Spring 2002 edition of [AIGA Minnesota] Issues, updated and revised by Kolean Pitner and Cheryl Stone for AIGA [Minnesota] Issues, Winter, 2008 edition.
Bibliographic citations: Patrick Redmond
National Art Education Association [NAEA] (and NAEA Design Interest Group) section
Note: The following comments and/or responses by Patrick M. Redmond in this section of bibliography were published/posted online at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum” Comment for NAEA Design Interest Group and Museum Education Division re: MODERNISM collection at Mia from NAEA Design Interest Group member Patrick M. Redmond, M.A.,
For NAEA Design Interest GroupExhibition 100 Years of Design Graduate Education at the University of Minnesota at Goldstein Museum of Design, info from NAEA Design Issues Group member Patrick M. Redmond, M.A., Posted 12-16-2018 11:04 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum”
“Looking Forward, Looking Back. Imagine: 100 Years of Design Graduate Education” at University of Minnesota Goldstein Museum of Design and misc from NAEA Design Interest Group Member, Patrick Redmond, M.A., Posted 12-16-2018 11:08 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum”
RE: Has your career path as an art educator been unconventional? Do you have dual roles? Posted 12-23-2019 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum”
RE: Educating Art Teachers Posted 11-13-2019 16:45 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum” collaborate.arteducators.orgPosted 11-14-2019 13:39 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum” [Note: this specific post includes Patrick Redmond specifics re: Eugene Larkin’s book “Design: The Search for Unity’] Posted 11-14-2019 16:45 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum” collaborate.arteducators.orgPosted 11-14-2019 16:57 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum” collaborate.arteducators.orgPosted 11-12-2019 12:42 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum” collaborate.arteducators.orgPosted 11-19-2019 13:22 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum” collaborate.arteducators.orgPosted 11-19-2019 13:25 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum” Posted 11-18-2019 22:03 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum”
RE: What do you think about Entrepreneurship as Creative Advocacy? Posted 10-28-2019 12:00 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum”
RE: Have any NAEA members or fellow NAEA Design Interest Group members used the textbook “Design, The Search for Unity: two and three dimensional design, drawing and color” by Eugene Larkin either as students or teachers? Posted 12-20-2018 12:00 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum” collaborate.arteducators.orgPosted 11-14-2019 16:45 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum” collaborate.arteducators.orgPosted 11-14-2019 16:57 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum” collaborate.arteducators.orgPosted 11-12-2019 12:42 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum”
RE: While in Minneapolis during 2020 NAEA National Convention, see textile and fiber arts books designed by NAEA Design Interest Group Member Patrick M. Redmond, M.A.,, in the collection at the Textile Center Library Posted 01-17-2020 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum”
Published Textile and Fiber Arts books designed by NAEA Design Interest Group Member Patrick M. Redmond, M.A., Posted on 1-17-2020 14:53 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum”
RE: Cancel the Conference [NAEA 2020 National Convention]
RE: Looking for free streaming of documentaries or feature films related to art (or dozens of other subjects)?
Data Visualization and the work and expertise of Dr. Tamara Munzner
Re: Inquiry [reply re: sources for art prints] Posted on 4-7-2020 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum”
Will COVID-19 related precautions and adjustments result in or hasten the co-opting of art education as we have known it? Posted on 4-14-2020 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum”
Participation in NAEA "COLLABORATE" forum online community, one member's experiences Posted on 4-14-2020 at NAEA [National Art Education Association] “Collaborate” “Open Forum”
See MODERNISM collection online
NAEA "Collaborate" section note: as of 4:47 pm CDT 5/15/2020, numerous posts (2018-2020) were related to "Patrick Redmond". To be able to view and read these respective posts, one must login at NAEA "Collaborate"... for further information re: NAEA membership, see
Minneapolis Star "Taste" section covers/posters designed and illustrated by Patrick Redmond:
Note: The information in the following section of this bibliography is provided, in part, in commemoration of the October 2019 50th Anniversary of the Minneapolis Star Tribune "Taste" food section and may be of particular interest to "Taste" aficionados.
The following Minneapolis Star newspaper "Taste" section covers/posters were designed and illustrated by Patrick M. Redmond (Patrick M. Redmond, M.A., Patrick Redmond Design,, Saint Paul, Minnesota (formerly of Minneapolis).
Bibliographic information (arranged chronologically):
Redmond, Patrick. Designer, artist, illustrator. “Taste / jewish heritage,” Minneapolis Star, Wednesday, December 8, 1976, Vol. 99, No. 10, p. 1C (newspaper food section cover/poster only [p. “1C”], this respective issue).
Redmond, Patrick. Designer, artist, illustrator. “Taste / nutrition 101,” Minneapolis Star, Wednesday, September 7, 1977, Vol. 99, No. 242, p. 1C (newspaper food section cover/poster only [p. “1C”], this respective issue).
Redmond, Patrick. Designer, artist, illustrator. “Taste / dining out,” Minneapolis Star, Wednesday, October 26, 1977, Vol. 99, No. 277, p. 1C (newspaper food section cover/poster only [p. “1C”], this respective issue).
Redmond, Patrick. Designer, artist, illustrator. “Taste / Cafeteria capers,” Minneapolis Star, Wednesday, January 23, 1980, Vol. 102, No. 41, p. 1C (newspaper food section cover/poster only [p. “1C”], this respective issue).
Redmond, Patrick. Designer, artist, illustrator. “Taste / Colorado,” Minneapolis Star, Wednesday, January 30, 1980, Vol. 102, No. 46, p. 1C (newspaper food section cover/poster only [p. “1C”], this respective issue).
Redmond, Patrick. Designer, artist, illustrator. “Taste / Minnesota mapling,” Minneapolis Star, Wednesday, April 16, 1980, Vol. 102, No. 101, p. 1C (newspaper food section cover/poster only p. “1C”], this respective issue).
Redmond, Patrick. Designer, artist, illustrator. “Taste / Really camp,” Minneapolis Star, Wednesday, July 16, 1980, Vol. 102, No. 166, p. 1C (newspaper food section cover/poster only [p. “1C”], this respective issue). [Note: This cover/poster was included in PRINT Regional Design Annual (Washington, DC).]
Redmond, Patrick. Designer, artist, illustrator. “Taste / Maine stay,” Minneapolis Star, Wednesday, October 15, 1980, Vol 102, No. 223, p. 1C (newspaper food section cover/poster only [p. “1C”], this respective issue). [Note: This cover/poster was included in Graphis Annual (Zurich, Switzerland).]
Redmond, Patrick. Designer, artist, illustrator. “Taste / It pays to improvise,” Minneapolis Star, Wednesday, April 15, 1981, Vol. 103, No. 91, p. 1C (newspaper food section cover/poster only [p. “1C”], this respective issue).
Reference information/digital archives for this "Taste" section... via, at Special Collections, Minneapolis Central Public Library, Hennepin County Library, Minneapolis, Minnesota, researched by Patrick Michael Redmond, 9/16/19, with assistance from Library Special Collections Staff. See for further information and respective cover/poster images. Further bibliographic details re: volume numbers and issue numbers provided to Patrick Redmond 9/18/19, 9/19/19 and, via email other 9/2019 dates, by Special Collections Staff, Special Collections, Minneapolis Central Public Library, Hennepin County Library, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Notes: "Taste" titles listed in bibliography using caps [uppercase] and lowercase letters, "/", and spaces, as they appeared on the respective covers/posters. Further bibliographic clarification: Patrick Redmond was the designer, artist, illustrator -- he was not the section editor or writer -- of/for the respective "Taste" sections. -pr
Note: “Patrick Redmond” in these bibliographic citations = “Patrick M. Redmond, M.A.” [Patrick Michael Redmond, born: 1950, USA)
For a version of this "Taste" information formatted for print, contact Patrick Redmond and request file: TASTE_bilbliography_covers_posters_by_Patrick_Redmond_v_09_23_19
UW–Stout TODAY section including news items by and/or about Patrick Redmond in various issues (2008-2010). UW–Stout TODAY was/is the daily newsletter/news of University Wisconsin–Stout, Wisconsin's Only Polytechnic University, Menomonie, Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin – Stout, Menomonie, Wisconsin, UW–Stout TODAY, internal communications to faculty, staff, and students. Note: The following related items were based on news provided to UW-STOUT TODAY by Patrick Redmond [and see/scroll to University Wisconsin–Stout section at]
UW–STOUT TODAY, Thursday, January 28, 2010, p. 1. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in section 2, “Staff Activities”, re: St. Paul JCC tango and Sundin Hall, Hamline University flamenco events.
UW–STOUT TODAY, Thursday, February 11, 2010, p. 1. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in section 1, “Staff Activities”, re: AIGA MN Portfolio 1-on-1.
UW–STOUT TODAY, Friday, February 12, 2010, p. 2. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in section 2, “Staff Activities”, re: AIGA MN Portfolio 1-on-1 [correction/clarification re: 2/11/10 news]
UW–STOUT TODAY, Monday, February 15, 2010, p. 2. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in section 3, “Staff Activities”, re: inclusion in Literary Market Place.
UW–STOUT TODAY, Wednesday, February 17, 2010, p. 2. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in section 2, “Staff Activities”, re: inclusion in 2010 Photographerʼs Market.
UW–STOUT TODAY, Wednesday, February 24, 2010, p. 2. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in section 2, “Staff Activities”, re: inclusion in January/February 2010 Graphic Design USA magazine.
UW–STOUT TODAY, Friday, February 26, 2010, p. 2. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in section 2, “Staff Activities”, re: serving on AIGA MN Design Camp® 30th Anniversary committee.
Specific bibliographic citations – an archival initiative in progress – to be provided for this section and/or contact Patrick Redmond for further information and/or to provide bibliographic citation specifics.
Anderson, Lindsay [Lindsay L. Anderson]. "Josef Albers's Influence on Three Contemporary American Printmaking Professors," "ARTH 3834 – Final Paper," March 12, 2013, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, p. 12. Note: "Patrick M. Redmond" quoted re: Eugene Larkin and referenced on page 12 of this paper.
"Gallery In A Shirt Pocket" brochure/poster re: the 1974-1976 Grand Rapids, Minnesota area, graphic designers-in-residence program. Contact Patrick Redmond for further information.
Berkowitz, Eric N.; Kerin, Roger; and Rudelius, William. Marketing. St. Louis, Missouri: Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishing, A division of The C. V. Mosby Company, 1986. See Ibid., "Credits," p. 749: "Note: The graphics and much of the line art in this text were produced through the use of the most recent technology in computer graphics. This advanced process allowed us to achieve a new level of clarity and definition, which will enhance the reader's ability to interpret them. The gradients are designed to develop increased visual impact not possible with a single shade." ... "Computer graphics by COMCEPT [sic], Deborah L. Bart." Patrick Redmond note: Patrick Redmond co-founded Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota-based COMCEPT Computer Graphics Design & Illustration with Deborah L. Bart and he held the position of vice president. COMCEPT was a spin-off business of Patrick Redmond's eponymous, Twin Cities, Minnesota-based firm Patrick Redmond Design. COMCEPT utilized the Wasatch 400 Computer Paint System developed in Salt Lake City, Utah, by Wasatch. COMCEPT's Minneapolis office was shared with RCD, Reprographic Computer Design, Inc., a spin-off of Minnesota-based Artograph, Inc. For further information contact Patrick Redmond.
Burgess, Jennifer, [and Patrick Redmond]. “Larkin: Six Decades.” “Exhibit Catalogs by Decade: The Works of Eugene Larkin.” “a record [Jennifer Burgess] … assembled that reflects Mr. Larkin’s exhibition career throughout the 1940s to present, 2003.” Includes “Exhibit Catalogs by Decade,” Compiled by Jennifer Burgess [05.19. 2013 Patrick Redmond note: Prior to Eugen Larkin's move from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to South Bend, Indiana, Patrick Redmond had compiled many of the exhibition catalogs and brochures, under the direction of Eugene Larkin, using Eugene Larkin’s archives, scrapbooks, and files, when, on the advice of Patrick Redmond, three sets were compiled by Patrick Redmond for posterity, one set for Andrew Larkin, one set for Alan Larkin, and one set for Eugene Larkin (in addition to the originals)… these were the basis for many of Jennifer Burgess’s transcriptions of exhibition lists, etc.]; “Newspaper clippings by Decade,” Compiled by Patrick Redmond; “Interviews and Writings by Decade.” Submitted by Indiana University, South Bend, student Jennifer Burgess as “Experiential Learning Internship” project to Alan Larkin (one of Eugene Larkin’s two sons), Associate Professor of Fine Arts, Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts, Indiana University, South Bend, South Bend, Indiana, working in collaboration with Anita Gonzalez, Director of Education, Minnesota Museum of American Art (MMAA) and Shelly Nordtorp-Madson, Chief Curator and Clinical Faculty, Department of Art History, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 2003. Print.
Goldstein Gallery Collections. A 10th Anniversary Publication. Saint Paul, Minnesota: Goldstein Gallery, Department of Design, Housing and Apparel, College of Home Economics, University of Minnesota, 1986. Library of Congress Card No. 86-82205, ISBN 0-939719-00-2. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in "Goldstein Gallery Staff, 1976 –," "Graduate Assistants," "Graphic Designers," "Patrick Redmond, 1985-1987," p. 103.
InsideOut, Eagle Bend Public Schools, Independent School District 790, Eagle Bend, Minnesota, early 1970s. Note: Patrick Redmond cited in various issues of this newsletter designed by Patrick Redmond while serving as artist in residence in Eagle Bend.
"Sesame Street® LIVE!®" "A Sesame Street Mystery: The Case of the Missing Rara Avis," First Edition Program Cover, Minneapolis, Minnesota: VEE Corporation, 1980. Notes: This was the inaugural "Sesame Street LIVE!" program. The program cover features the logo/brandmark designed in 1980 by Patrick Redmond for "Sesame Street LIVE!" and Sesame Street characters illustrated by Joe Mathieu. [Patrick Redmond did not design the program cover]. According to Muppet Wiki, "The show was repeated in the United States on tours in 1981-1982, 1984-1985, and 1985-1986. The show traveled to Australia in 1982-1983 and to Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong in 1990-1991." See cover jpeg. According to the Wikipedia webpage for "Sesame Street Live," ["Sesame Street Live"] "is the longest running stage tour for children." Also note: the following credit needs to be added to the respective Muppet Wiki page (and to other websites and webpages re: "Sesame Street LIVE!") under "Credits": "Brandmark logo designed [1980] by Patrick Redmond."
Further bibliographic listings and information available.
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