Patrick Redmond, advocating the importance of creative concepting abilities in a design curriculum,
led the initiative to develop a related, intensive course.
He was instrumental in conceiving, proposing, and developing the inaugural Design Process: Creativity, a course he then taught at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus.
He taught the course the first four terms it was offered before he became [Creative] Art Director at Norwest, now known as Wells Fargo.
"Norwest banks on Redmond for in-house design group," Graphic Design: USA, New York, Vol. 23, No. 10, October 1988, cover, p. 2. Notes: Patrick Redmond was [Creative] Art Director, Art & Design Group, Norwest Corporate Graphics, Norwest Corporation, 1988-1989. In 1998 Norwest merged with Wells Fargo and has been known as Wells Fargo since then. According to the corporation's Third Quarter 2013 report, SEC Form 10-Q, "Wells Fargo & Company is a nationwide, diversified, community-based financial services company with $1.5 trillion in assets"... and "ranked fourth in assets and first in market value of our common stock among all U.S. banks at September 30, 2013." "Wells Fargo is ranked No. 25 in Fortune'sTM 2013 rankings of America's largest companies." While Art Director at Norwest [Wells Fargo], Patrick Redmond worked in the Cesar Pelli-designed Norwest Center [Wells Fargo Center], Minneapolis, Minnesota, and, among a variety of projects, he designed the inaugural "MODERNISM" wordmark and related material introducing Norwest's "MODERNISM" collection.