Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities University Without Walls/UNESCO Conference University of Vienna, Austria
Redmond, Patrick. “Creative and Mental Growth: A Commentary on Relationships between an Artist In Residence and Students in a Rural Community,” UWW [University Without Walls] student presentation “Development of a Learning Contract,” October 29, 1973, Program Agenda, Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, University Without Walls/UNESCO Conference, University of Vienna, Austria, October 29-30, 1973 (Vienna, Austria: Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, University Without Walls/UNESCO Conference, University of Vienna, 1973), p. 1.
Paper presented at Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, University Without Walls/UNESCO Conference, University of Vienna, Austria, October 29-30, 1973. Retrieved January 19, 2011 [emailed January 19, 2011 as pdf to Patrick Redmond], with assistance from Regis University archivist Elizabeth Cook, from Paper presented at Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, University Without Walls/UNESCO Conference, University of Vienna, Austria, October 29-30, 1973. Retrieved January 19, 2011, and emailed to Patrick Redmond as pdf, with assistance from Regis University archivist Elizabeth Cook, from Elinor Miller Greenberg Papers in archives at Dayton Memorial Library, Regis University, Denver, Colorado.
Notes: As a University Without Walls (affiliated with UECU, Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities), University College, University of Minnesota student, working, in part, in consultation with State of Minnesota Department of Education Art Consultant, Robert Paul, and one of Patrick Redmond’s University Without Walls University of Minnesota faculty advisors, Professor Thomas C. Slettehaugh (b. Minneapolis, Minnesota 1925) [Professor emeritus Thomas Slettehaugh (curriculum and instruction) received the Archimedes Award from the International Biographical Centre in the United Kingdom for his life science research on the creative intellect,” according to the Fall 2007 edition of Connect! magazine of the College of Education & Human Development, University of Minnesota], from the University of Minnesota’s department of Art Education, Patrick Redmond had been studying Viktor Lowenfeld’s (b. 1903, Linz, Austria; d. 1960) Lowenfeld, Viktor, and W. Lambert Brittain. Creative and Mental Growth, 5th Edition (New York, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1970) and incorporating principles from this art education expert [Lowenfeld] in his own work as an artist in residence in the small, rural community of Eagle, Bend, Minnesota, while a UWW student and artist in residence there.
Patrick Redmond’s experiences as an artist in residence were documented in his book “I Thought A Loft Was For Hay. Accounts of my experiences as an Artist In Residence in the small, rural community of Eagle Bend, Minnesota,” (Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Eagle Bend, Minnesota: Minnesota State Arts Council and Patrick Redmond, 1973) which he also presented as a University Without Walls case study at this UNESCO conference in Vienna, Austria. This book had been funded with a special chairman’s grant from the Minnesota State Arts Council [later known as the Minnesota State Arts Board] through a special allocation from the National Endowment for the Arts (documented in the National Endowment for the Arts/National Council on the Arts 1973 Annual Report). Conference presentation included reference to Patrick Redmond’s “Creative and Mental Growth: A Commentary on Relationships Between an Artist In Residence And Students in a Rural Community” subtitle: “A Project Proposal for the University Without Walls, University of Minnesota” by Patrick Redmond, April, 1973 [“Document #4”].
1/19/11 note: Documents re: Loretto Heights College University Without Walls archives from Elinor Miller Greenberg Papers in archives at Dayton Memorial Library, Regis University (www.regis.edu), Denver, Colorado.
The following is quoted from this document: “Last year [1972], when a fourth grade teacher [her name:(cited in "I thought a loft was for hay.")] showed me and let me borrow her copy of the book CREATIVE and MENTAL GROWTH [sic], 4th edition, [I purchased a copy of the 5th edition for my own use] by Viktor Lowenfeld and W. Lambert Brittain, I [Patrick Redmond] found it to be a very useful reference in my work with children.”
Re: University of Vienna (Universität Wien), see www.univie.ac.at/en/
Re: UNESCO, see unesco.org/new/en/unesco/about-us/who-we-are/introducing-unesco/ and unesco.org/new/en/education/about-us/
The following is quoted from http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3403200383.html “The goal of education "is not the art itself, or the aesthetic product, or the aesthetic experience, but rather the child who grows up more creatively and sensitively and applies his experience in the arts to whatever life situations may be applicable" (Michael, p. xix).” Michael, John A., ed. 1982. The Lowenfeld Lectures. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Also of note: While visiting the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, in 1973, Patrick Redmond saw the following original paintings by Pieter Bruegel (the Elder) (c. 1525 - September 5, 1569): "Tower of Babel" 1563 "The Procession to Calvary" 1564 "Winter - Hunters in the Snow" 1565 "Autumn" 1565 "Carnival and Penitence" "The Peasant Dance" 1568 and "The Peasant Wedding" c.1568 (as well as the works of many other artists)