“American MastersTM” “Garrison Keillor: The Man on the Radio in the Red Shoes” http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/episodes/garrison-keillor/the-man-on-the-radio-in-the-red-shoes/1159/ “premiered nationally Wednesday, July 1, 2009 on PBS (check local listings). DVD is available with additional features released by Docurama Films.” For information about the 35th anniversary celebration of “A Prairie Home Companion®” July 4, 2009, see http://prairiehome.publicradio.org/.
To view an image of Garrison Keillor’s first album “A Prairie Home Album” for MER, Minnesota Educational Radio (now known as Minnesota Public Radio, MPR, www.mpr.org) featuring the title “A Prairie Home…” for the first time, see the wikipedia entry “A Prairie Home Album”.
Patrick Redmond designed and illustrated the radio, picture frame, and lettering on the front cover of the album "A Prairie Home Album" (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:A_Prairie_Home_Album.jpg) and another designer/illustrator designed and illustrated the wallpaper, and lace table cloth on the front cover. This was the first time the name “Redmond Design” [for further information see www.PatrickRedmondDesign.com] appeared on a printed project as a design credit (see back cover of record album). Patrick Redmond also designed the original version/edition of “A Prairie Home Companion® Anniversary Album” (the 1980 version that did not feature a photo on the front cover). -pr